Information Needed for Payment From Trust Account
Please plan well in advance for payments needed from the trust account. A trustee generally needs about 7 to 10 days from when initial contact is made for a payment until a decision is made. After approval, the payment will be processed on the following Thursday, which is the day payments that have been approved in writing by the trustee are processed by the bookkeeper.
A typical trust for a disabled child or adult is to supplement other available resources. The trust has important purpose to enable the beneficiary to live as independently as possible, further their education and address medical and educational needs resulting from their disability so as they may lead as fulfilling a life as possible. A dedicated parent or guardian is the best source for the trustee to identify those needs. A presumption is given by the trustee to the sound judgment of the parent or guardian on the validity of a request. Nevertheless, due diligence is required by the trustee and his staff for each distribution from the trust account. The best practice is whenever possible to make payments directly to the seller/provider of the service or product.
Each interaction with my office also provides us an opportunity to ensure you are fully advised of the current balance or your account and that you are receiving and understand your monthly statements which are provided directly from Morgan Stanley Smith Barney every month to the person(s) designated. When requesting a payment please be prepared to answer the following questions and give the following information:
What is the exact amount of the payment you are requesting?
Who will be the payee?
What is the address and other detailed payment instructions?
We will need copies of any bills invoices or quotes associated with this payment and contact information for seller/provider so as we may directly verify information.
How does the requested payment relate to the education, medical needs or well-being of the beneficiary?
Phone number and contact information for person making request.Is the beneficiary or a household member receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or any other needs based public benefits?
Are you aware that the current balance of trust account is [to be given by trustee staff member]?
You will be asked to verify your current address so as we can ensure monthly statements are sent to the right address and be able to document this in the future.
You will be asked to verify that you are receiving monthly statements and asked if you are able to understand the statements or have any questions about them. The trustee and his staff are available to review any questions about any payments from the account.
You will also be asked to give an update on the beneficiary including: (a) current age; (b) current school attended, placement or employment; (c) How the beneficiary is doing and (d) Are there any other services such as tutoring, educational advocacy, summer camp, day program, home health aides that can assist the beneficiary.
For purchase by a parent as a necessity for a disabled child the parent/guardian will need to fulfill the requirements listed herein.
Milne Law
15 Brook Street
Medfield MA 02052
Phone: 508-785-8300
Fax: 508-785-8020